Starting a business is one of the “Filipino dream” and almost every Filipino want to start their own business. If you’re one of us, this article might help you. On this post, I will share 15 small business ideas you can start in the Philippines.
These 15 small business ideas are pretty much easy and can start with a very little capital or investment. This can serve as your stepping stone in entrepreneurship and your training ground in the world of business. Let’s go!
15 Small business ideas you can start in the Philippines
1. Direct Selling business
This maybe one of the classic small business ideas you can start in the Philippines but it is still up and kicking today. Many Pinoys are still making money in the direct selling business.
Direct selling companies like Avon, Dakki, MSE, Human Nature are some of your many options if you want to start this business. On future articles, I’ll share more detailed information about direct selling.
2. Printing business
Printing business is one of “trend” small business ideas you can start in the Philippines right now. From personalized t-shirt, mugs, pin buttons, caps and much more.
2016 National election is coming and this business can literally boom and give you a better opportunity to earn.
3. Food Cart business
Another classic small business ideas you can start in the Philippines. We can see food cart businesses in almost every corner in the Metro. From bus stations and MRT stations, different food cart businesses are present.
If you find a good location, this small business can be your break.
4. Sari-sari store business
Sari-sari store business is another small business we find in every corner in the Philippines. You can start with a very small capital and very easy to maintain.
Although earnings in small sari-sari store business are not quite that big, this can serve as additional income and as your training ground how to operate and manage a store business.
5. Small eatery business
If you love and have the talent in cooking, this can be the best small business you can start here in the Philippines. If you know or you are in a good location, cooking “lutong bahay” can be a good source of income.
Small eatery or “carinderia” are one of the main sources of living in many Filipinos. This can be yours too.
6. Computer shop business
Again, this is another classic business ideas you can start in the Philippines. A key to this business again is the location. If you’re in a “high foot traffic” area this can provide you a good source of income. Although many computer shops and internet cafe are not being profitable right now because of “mobile internet“, others are still making money on this business. Location, location, location!
7. Buy and Sell Online business
This is one of the easy and best side business you can start in the Philippines. If you have the internet connection, you can find suppliers or buy second hand “stuff” online and sell if for profit.
I have some friends making a big profit from buying and selling an online business. From gadgets, accessories, clothes, decorations and much more. Everything can be sold online. You can just create a Facebook page and start posting and selling stuff and make money.
You may also want to check this article: 25 Legit ways to make money online in the Philippines
8. Soap making business
Soap making business is another great sideline business you can start. If you have passion in beauty products and want to earn some sideline, you can start soap making business to earn money.
There are many seminars(free and paid) you can attend to learn how to make soap and manage soap making business. I’ll share them in the future.
9. Candle making business
Another simple and easy side business you can start in the Philippines. November is coming and this small business idea can help you earn a sideline income.
Like soap making business, you can attend seminars on how to make a candle and how to operate candle making business and start your own. This can go long way if you really have the passion and the determination.
10. Garage sale business
If you have stuff not being used and are just kept in your cabinet, you can start a garage sale business. No capital needed. You just display all your things in your garage or house front and start making money.
11. Cellphone loading business
Cellphone loading business is one of the small business ideas you can start in the Philippines. Aside from earning a sideline income, you can get a free load that you can use on your own.
In return, you can save money while earning more. One good thing about cellphone loading business is you can start and run it even if you have other businesses or day job.
12. Perfume making business
If you have the passion for mixing and making perfume, this can be your side business while having your day time job. You can find suppliers on the internet and attend seminars on how you can start perfume making business. Create a Facebook page and start selling your own branded perfume.
13. Accessories making business
If you have the passion for making custom accessories, this small business might be for you. Making accessories like beads bracelets and necklaces can provide you a sideline income and help you earn more.
Christmas season is coming and this small business idea can be a good sideline.
14. Xerox copying business
Again if you are in a good location like near in schools, establishments, and others this can be another good small business you can start. Xerox copying business is another good source of income which you can be combined in other small business mentioned above.
15. Fruits and Vegetable stall business
Last, on the list is the fruits and vegetables stall business. This is another good side business you can start. A good location for this is in place near terminals and subdivisions.
You can find a supplier and distributor and run this business in front of your house. Again, location location location!
All the small business ideas mentioned above are easy to start and easy to operate. With small capital and resources, you can start and run any of these businesses in the Philippines. But of course, the best thing you can do is to have known how to manage these businesses.
You may also want to check this article: Online business vs. Traditional business
As mentioned, you can attend seminars or training that can help you gain more knowledge. These are just ideas or suggestions, starting any of these small businesses still need planning and appropriate skills and knowledge. You must seek knowledge and training if needed.
To our success, cheers!
How about taking care of animals in provinces? I know someone who do this, and it’s also a smart way to invest money.
That’s another tip bryan, thanks! Actually we have that kind of investments. We’re growing cattle(cow) in our province and selling it for profit. My father take care of them and he’ll get percentage of the profit. π
Hi Billy, that’s great! Cattle raising is really one of the best ways to invest money. How many cattle/s do you have now? π
Thanks Bryan. We have 8 heads so far and we’re trying to add more this next year. π
Hows your cattle farm? What province?
It’s doing good bernard. It’s not a farm. We just have them in the backyard. π So far, we have 9 heads and we’re seeing 50% income within the 1st year. π
I want to start a “carenderia” business here in our province butuan and Im 18. I hope this will be great! π
Nice Vince. Goodluck in your journey!
We are selling market returns products from P&g and Unilver.
Ariel Powder β P40/kilo
Joy Dishwashing Liquid- P40/liter
Downy Fabricon- P40/liter
These are all Factory returns due to certain physical imperfections (packaging/labeling).
Money back guarantee if proven fake.
Please pm me for the complete product details and pricelist. 09175471864
Wholesale and Retail.
We deliver Nationwide.
50% down payment and 50% upon delivery.
Delivery Options:
a.Delivery Charge c/o buyer
b.Special offer -Delivery Charge β P200 only. If meets the criteria set by Seller. (PM me for details)
Prices subject to change without prior notice!
Product is subject for availability.
may I know the price range of the products and how much is the profit?
Greetings from Wo-Nut Corporation!
The First and Original Wo-Nut Corporation would like to extend our
gratitude for your very warm acceptance of our product during our Event
in Cebu Food and Beverage Expo held last October 13 – 16, 2016 and
Franchise Show in Worldtrade Centre Pasay City held last October 14-16,
Stated below are information that you wish to know about Wo-Nut, you may
also check out our website at
I. Our Difference:
1. Once YOU become a dealer, we will only hire efficient and well
trained staff to man the store. Our staff are called SALES ASSOCIATE
which does preparation, sell and serve our products. But Added to their
job description they are also required to do marketing strategies in
order for the store to be known existing within the mall vicinity. All
are required to strategize, collate and negotiate corporate accounts
that will surely create and ensure daily sales accumulation.
2. Once YOU become a dealer, Wo-Nut Corporation shall be responsible for
the over-all operations of the store to ensure high standards on quality
and service. Wo-Nut COrporation will be managing the store operations
and that the dealer will work hand in hand to create business
profitability and longevity.
3. Once You become a dealer, Wo-Nut Corporation shall ensure that the
store shall be treated as company owned store which the company shall
also focus on and create sales stability.
4. Once You become a dealer, Wo-Nut Corporation shall ensure continuos
print and advertising specifically done before store grand opening,
after grand opening and during daily store operations.
Apply for Dealership and get a chance to avail of our PROMO’S AND
DISCOUNT on dealership.
II. Available Locations (CEBU City) :
1. Ayala Town Centre Cebu City
2. Elizabeth Mall
3. Gaisano Capital SouthMall
4. Gaisano Tisa Cebu City
5. Gaisano Country Mall
6. Gaisano Grand Mall Talamban
7. Gaisano One Pavillion
8. Robinsons Fuente
9. Robinsons Cybergate Cebu City
10. Shopwise Cebu
II. Available Locations for METRO MANILA:
11. Robinsons Otis Manila
12. Robinsons Metro East
13. Robinsons Cainta
14. Robinsons Novaliches
15. Robinsons Town Mall Malabon
16. Sta Lucia East Mall
17. SM City San Lazaro
18. SM City Sta Mesa
19. Fisher Mall
20. Pioneer Centre, Mandaluyong City
III. Interested Dealers may send initial requirements to this email:
1. Letter of Intent
2. Personal Profile or Resume
IV. FREE Business Meeting (choose from below date and time)
monday to friday
10:00am to 11:00am
2:00 to 3:00pm
V. Dealership Package Discounts and Promos:
Avail of our 5% discount once dealership application had been approved
prior to the Scheduled Business Meeting.
Should you have questions please feel free to contact Ralph Stephine Abrenica
via mobile (0950-5920832/0927-7321100) or at Tel. No: (02) 5345689.
The First and Original Wo-Nut Corporation
Btw, there is no such word as “stuffs”. Just saying
Thanks Jun. Article has been updated. π
Direct selling requires low capital to start and sometimes there is no startup fee. You just need to learn how to promote the products to your prospects or buyers to make money with direct selling. You also need to recruit distributors to earn more
Hi mga may plano na magstart ng small bike shop..message me for supplies. 09282368261
How much po yung capital. Thanks :)))
hi jhel.. I am really interested in putting up a small bike shop here in bacolod city especially mountain bikes.. Can you send me the details,, on how to start a business and how much capital do i needed.
Hi Jhel,.
is there any chance to contact you via email?
gusto ko sana mag tanong kong mag kano capital ng bike shop.:)
Hi..I want to start a business..with a capital of 30k to 40k.. but I haven’t decide wat business will it be
Hi Julius,
May I know where are you from?
I want to start a business a capital of 40k..
Hi Chee, how much would be the profit if ever I will be a reseller of your perfume products?
Hi Joy,
It depends on how much you can invest.. send me a message. 09395175406
Anybody interested in direct selling of Boardwalk products (shoes, bags, sandals, dress, shirts, shorts, intimate apparels, watches, etc. – for kids and adults) please send me your message @
Those interested on loading business on all networks using 1 cellphone or your existing number as your loading number, please email me.
Interested to loading business?
1 sim 1 phone Load all networks.
Contact me 09284981928
How much do I need to invest?