Steve is a nice guy. He is in his 30s and he wants to do something big for him.
He’s single, lives a good life and earning more than enough for him.
One thing bothering him is his size. Although he’s not obese, his size is bigger from a normal guy on his age.
One day, after seeing the movie of Captain America, he realized it would be good for him to have that kind of “Captain America body“.
He wants to have “abs“. Those six-packed muscles that looked like “pandesals” in the nearest bakery.
He wants to have those biceps and triceps that seems to explode when punched with a needle.
In short, he wants to look good.
But there’s one problem.
He doesn’t want to go to the gym to exercise. He even doesn’t want to wake up 1 hour early to jog.
What worst is, he doesn’t want to take diet or eat healthy foods.
He really really wants to have that “Captain America body“. Unfortunately, he’s not willing to pay the price.
He wants something big for himself but he doesn’t like “the process” or the price.
All he wants is the reward.
Pay the price
Are you like Steve?
No, I don’t specifically mean wanting to have a “Captain America body” but maybe other things in life.
Maybe save more money. An insurance. Or an investment. Your own business. Vacations. House. Car. Property.
Financial freedom?
Everybody wants that. Those are rewards. The question is, are you willing to pay the price?
It is sad to think that most people focused and attention is on the rewards but not in the process or “the price” you have to pay for those rewards.
Rewards vs. the Price
Want to save more money? Learn how to manage your expenses.
Want to grow your money? Learn how to save and invest consistently.
Want to get promoted? Work hard and work smart.
Want to start your own business? Write that business plan and put the things together in action.
Want financial freedom? Be financially literate and learn how to save and invest.
Want to have six-packed abs? Work your ass in the gym!
See where this going?
It will lead back to what you need to do in order to get the rewards.
You need to love the process.
You need to pay the price.
We got inspired by successful people we see on tv or in the news.
We got inspired by a story of a person from poverty and became a millionaire now.
But those are results of what they did. We are seeing their rewards.
We don’t have the idea how much they work, how much they push themselves, how much they were bullied and more.
We don’t have any idea what they went through to get there.
We don’t have any idea how much they sacrifice to get there.
There’s no magic formula.
All rewards have their own price.
All outcome have their own process.
The question is…
Are you willing to pay for them?
Very Inspiring!