If you’re a beginner or a newbie in personal finance and seeking financial freedom, this blog can provide you the basic information and personal finance tips that you need to get started.
Since I started this blog, many newbies and beginners find it useful and inspiring. It helped them understand the basic and pushed them to learn and study more.
We all started as a beginner at some point. If you’re just starting out, this article is for you. How to start your way to financial freedom as a beginner?
Know your WHY
There’s always a reason in every action and decision we make. Either related to personal finance or not, the reason behind those decisions and actions are the things that brought us what and where we are right now.
In personal finance, knowing the reasons why you want to make those financial decisions you have in mind can provide you the first step you need to take to move forward.
If you’re a beginner and you want to change the way you handle your finances, know your why. What is the reasons why you want to change the way you handle your finances? Why you want to take charge of your personal finances? Why you want to achieve financial freedom? why do you want to be rich?
Knowing the reasons behind these “WHYs” can provide the foundation of your journey to the financial freedom in long term. This can answer most of the questions you have in mind about what you want to happen and what you want to achieve in life.
Knowing your WHYs, you will be able to determine the things you really want and eliminate those unneeded and unimportant.
For me, I want to learn more about personal finance so I can make better decisions about our finances. So I or we(me and my wife) can understand and use all available options to grow our money that can help our family on the things we need. To provide to our family. To give brighter future to our kids. To help our family, relatives and other people. To travel and enjoy quality time together. To be free from work and to be together all the time. And many more.
These are my “emotional WHYs” why I want to be financially free. Why I want to be rich. Why I want to learn more. Why I want to help. Why I want to grow. All these things are the reasons behind my WHYs. Those are the things I want in life.
You should knwow your WHYs too. Your WHYs will be the foundation of your financial goals, financial decisions, and financial achievements in life.
Not only in financial matters but every aspect of your life. When you start, all your decisions and action should be based on the WHYs you have. And from there, you can take the first step to move forward in achieving the results you want to have.
After knowing your WHYs, you can now layout a plan how you’re going to get there. In short, you can now create your smart financial goals and map how you’re going to achieve those goals.
The best starting point is to invest in yourself. Equip yourself with right mindset, character, motivation and right knowledge. Invest in yourself. Investing in yourself is the best investment of all time!
What is your WHY? To our success, cheers!
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