How to start a blog? You’ve probably heard that question from your friends and colleague who are not that familiar with the blogosphere. In this age of technology, everything seems to be possible with the power of the internet. And blogging is one of the many things you can do to utilize the power of technology today.
If you are a blogger already, this may not new to you but if you are not and looking for information that could help you on how to start a blog, this short article might help you and provide you basic information on how to start a blog and make money on the side.
Let’s see the meaning of blog first.
What is a blog?
In a nutshell, a blog is a type of website or web page which contents are arranged in chronological order. In earlier days, a blog is just like an online diary for many.
Blog means web log. Earlier bloggers are just writing everything they want, what happens in their daily life and whatever they feel and want to write – online diary as mentioned above.
But as the years go by and technology evolves, blogging turns into a platform. An online platform for personal, business, organization and many other institutions to reach more people around the globe.
There are millions if not billions of bloggers around the world. Each of them or “us” have different intentions and goals. Some people blog for a hobby, some for a cause and most are blogging now to earn money.
It turns into a medium where you can build a personal brand or business and reach all people around the world who has an internet connection. By having a blog, you can reach every people in the world and relay your intentions or message to them.
You can do business or blog just for fun. Whatever goals you have, blogging can be a way of introducing and communicating yourself to the world.
Here in the Philippines, there are many bloggers who made an impact to many Filipino’s lives. Sir Fitz Villafuerte of Ready to be rich inspired many Pinoys to take charge of their personal finances. I am one of them and that’s one of the reasons why this blog is born. 🙂
Bo Sanchez also changing people’s lives from teachings in his blog. Pesos and Sense by Sir Aya Laraya also made a huge significance in spreading financial literacy to every Filipinos around the world. And much more. I just named a few.
You can check my 8 Filipino personal finance blog that could change your life here for additional reference.
How to start a blog
If you want to know how to start a blog you don’t have to worry. Starting a blog is easy. In a beginner’s perspective, here are the things you need on how to start a blog on your own.
Topic or Subject
Before you start blogging, you should’ve decided what topic or subject you’re going to blog to. It can be anything you like but it is advisable that you blog the things you are passionate about. It can be your hobby, your skills, your talents or anything that may interest you.
As you can see, I’m blogging about personal finance here in This is because I discovered my passion in personal finance while looking opportunities to learn to manage my finances.
Before you start blogging, you need to choose first the topic you want to write about. Some Pinoys blogging about their travel and the places they’ve visited. Some are blogging about their passion. It’s really up to you. Some bloggers blog anything around their lives.
And that’s ok. Nothing is wrong with that. You decide what you want and then start a blog.
If you want to blog just for the sake of blogging or hobby, you can pretty much blog anything. But if you want to blog and have a plan to monetize or earn money from it in the future, it is advisable to choose topic or subject which you are passionate or interested PLUS the interest and needs of other people.
In a layman’s term, you need to provide good content. Information that people are looking for. Content that solves a problem and provides solution. Content that entertains or inspires people.
If you blog this way, you’re opening doors to earn more money from your blog.
While writing about the things you love, you should provide information that could help other people as well. Let’s say you are good in playing guitar, you can blog about it and help other people who want to learn to play guitar as well.
In that way, you are solving people’s problem and providing them a solution. Your blog would be meaningful for them and they will keep reading or watching and coming back to your blog. Not only that, they will share it with their friends and other people who are seeking for the same information. If you blog this way, money will surely come.
To give you more ideas to identify which topic you can start a blog, I suggest you follow the steps below.
1. Get a piece of paper a list or write all the things that interest you. Especially those where you’re good at. Your passion, skills, experience, talents and personal characters you have. Write everything down that comes to your mind.
2. After writing them down, arrange them in a level of your interests.
3. Then try to see what passion or skills or talents you got on the list that can help other people. Those that can solve a problem and provide valuable information to other people. Once you identified that, that can be the main topic of your blog.
4. After identifying the topic, you can now create a plan what articles or information you are going to write. List it down so you can map them out. That should be the start. Once you have the topic, you can now start a blog and start writing articles or any content.
In addition to the list above, you can also ask yourself why you want to blog. Why do you want to start a blog in the first place? List all your answers and from there you can generate an idea that can be your topic or can lead you to discover the best topic to blog.
*Please take note that you can start a blog around all your passion and interest while focusing on the main skills and talents you have. The list above is a suggestion to help you identify the best topic when you’re going to start a blog.
Here in, I blog about personal finance tips that helped me along my journey of learning and seeking information about financial literacy.
By sharing basic personal finance on this blog, I hope I’m providing valuable information to other people especially to my fellow Pinoys who want to learn more and be financially literate. As you can see I also share my personal views, opinions, and experiences along the way.
You can do the same. Check the things you really want and start blogging.
I will end this article, for now, to give you time to decide what topic you want before start blogging. This is the basic and fundamental on how to start a blog and make money on the side.
You need to search within yourself what is that you really want and where you’re good at. From there, you can generate ideas or information that can be your blog topic. This way, you will start a blog that can go long way.
Because you love what you do and you’re good at it while providing valuable information to other people as well. The money will follow. That’s for sure.
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