Follow One Course Until Success strategy is one of my goal this year. It is one of the things I’m trying to apply and learn to myself and my activities. I heard this success strategy before when reading entrepreneur and personal development blog but never really took it in practice. This year, I’m going to make it happen!
What is Follow One Course Until Success strategy?
In a nutshell, the follow one course until success strategy means you put all your focus on one goal at a time. Your “one thing“. You give all your time and resources on that specific goal until you achieve it. You give all your energy. You give it all. You go all in!
Once succeed, that’s the only time you move on to your next goal or task. That is what we call F.O.C.U.S strategy. You “laser-focused” into that one thing until you got it.
Sounds easy right? But when you try to apply it, it’s not. It will take a lot of discipline and practice. And that’s the challenge.
In our age today, it is easy to be distracted. To loose our focus. To loose our time. Technology and media provide us many alternative and resources to do things but most of the time, they are also the number 1 sources of distraction.
TV, social media, games and apps and many more are always available at hand to steal your time and waste resources. If they are not helping you make progress, better to focus on your goal and follow one course until success.
As an I.T person, I used to “multi-task” and trying to do multiple things at the same time. And sometimes, I’m adopting that technique in real life situations. Sometimes it’s helpful, sometimes it is not. Don’t get me wrong, there are certain activities and things you can really do at a single time especially in work but that’s not the point here. The point of this article is to help you “focus” on your one main goal now, working hard on it, giving all you have, never giving up until you have it before moving to the next. You follow one course until success!
Most of the time, you cannot get the results you want in life because your attention and focus are scattered. You try to do many things at the same time. You’re always excited to start with “new idea“, new goal and new resolution. But at the middle of those, new things and idea coming up. You lose energy and focus on the previous. And you’re starting again. Or you try to do them altogether thinking you can. Maybe you can, but the results can be different if you just “focused on one thing” first before doing anything else.
Have you experienced achieving a goal or finishing a task giving all your energy and resources until you got it? How are the results compared to achieving “many things” done at the same time? It’s the quality right? And that made the difference. When you devote your time and energy into a “specific goal” until you achieved it, you produced quality results. And that applies in real life and other situations. You follow one course until success.
What’s in it for you?
I don’t know you. Whether you believe it or not, this can work for you only if you try. I’m adopting this “success technique” and sharing it to everyone so they can apply it in their lives too. For me, success is not given, it is being achieve. 2016 is the year. Let’s go ahead and crush it!
This strategy is not new. You may have heard this already. But for those who are not, this might help. Join me this year in practicing this principle and let see what would be the results. Let’s follow one course until success! Cheers!
So relevant and very informative