I miss this. I mean, I miss writing. I miss this blog. There were many things happened in the last 15 months or so in our little family and that's what I'm going to share on this post. You know, this blog has been my online journal for a couple of years now. Either personal, financial or … [Read more...]
10 Things Filipino 20-Something Millennial can do with their Money to Prosper
When I was in my 20s, I started working for a BPO company. I had no idea how to manage my finances. I was financially illiterate. The only thing that I know is to keep my money in my savings account which is my ATM card for payroll provided by our company. [wp_ad_camp_2] I bought stuff … [Read more...]
One year after laid off. It turned out to be a blessing!
It was September 29 last year when I, together with other 70+ I.T professionals(in different specializations) said goodbye to our company. [wp_ad_camp_2] No, it was not a mass resignation. It was the other way around. The management came up with a "new strategy" and decided to outsource our … [Read more...]
Are You Willing To Pay The Price?
Steve is a nice guy. He is in his 30s and he wants to do something big for him. He's single, lives a good life and earning more than enough for him. [wp_ad_camp_2] One thing bothering him is his size. Although he's not obese, his size is bigger from a normal guy on his age. One day, … [Read more...]
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