If we’re going to start again from scratch and all the wealth in the world will be given equally to all the people, in the end, most of it will still end up in the same hands where they are right now. Want to know why? Here’s the truth.
If all wealth in the world will be distributed equally, most people will celebrate and live like never before once they got those money.
They will spend like a one-day-millionaire and splurge left and right. Buy this and buy that. And in the end, most of the people will end up poor again. Why?
Because the secret in maintaining and building wealth is in the character of the person handling it. And if that person has poor money-mindset, wealth will never last.
The way he thinks, manage and process money beliefs will determine if wealth will stay or soon be gone.
Have you heard the stories of lotto and sweepstakes winners who became instantly millionaire but after couple of months and years became poor again?
Have you heard the story a rich guy who inherited wealth from his parents and became very wealthy but after 5 years became broke again?
How about the story on a Filipino OFW who’s working hard abroad but his/her family spends like millionaire in the Philippines?
This can go on and on. There are many examples but the point is, poor money-mindset will never make you rich.
The most important thing needed in building wealth is our mindset. The way we handle our beliefs. The way we think about money and opportunities. It’s called financial intelligence.
And it’s all in the mind!
Ok, now you realized you have the tool in maintaining and building wealth. What can you do to use your powerful asset in building wealth a.k.a your mindset?
Here are some tips to reset your mind and help you in building wealth.
1. Read more
One of the most powerful way to train our brain and our mindset is to read. It activate millions of neurons in our brain and enhance them. If you want to increase your financial intelligence, read more about financial matter.
Blogs, books, ebooks, magazines, newspaper and other financial related articles will definitely increase your knowledge.
2. Watch more
Another way to increase financial intelligence is to watch financial related shows. ANC on the Money, Pesos and Sense, Pisobilities are one of the best Filipino shows that talks about money.
Our brain works better with visual images and watching financial related shows will definitely increase our financial knowledge.
3. Listen
If you’re like me, I love listening to podcast in my idle time. My phone doesn’t have music at all. It’s all podcast or mp3 audio and you know what they are? They are all financial and personal development related.
Be it like entrepreneur podcast, personal finance podcast and more. I also have rich dad and poor dad audio book. As well as cash flow quadrant and more.
This is a good habit when you’re in commute or jogging or doing anything that do not need ears attention. This is what I do, you should try it.
The latest I listen to are the powerful talks by Bro. Bo Sanchez. That’s one of the privileges when you joined the Truly Rich Club. You’ll get audio recordings of his powerful talks that can help you increase your knowledge and enhance your mindset.
4. Ask more
Another way to learn more about anything is to ask from someone who knew the answers to your questions.
If you have questions about business, talk and ask entrepreneurs. If you have questions about money, talk to financial adviser. You get the point right?
Asking questions will definitely give you knowledge and can clear doubts in your mind. Just make sure you ask the right person. Ok?
These are just some simple tips to enhance your money-mindset and increase your financial intelligence. I know there’s a lot. If you have something to add, share them in the comment below.
The point of this article is to make you realize that abundance starts with mindset. And you, like everyone in this world has the capacity in building wealth.
I hope this article has been informative, until next time. Cheers!
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