As we celebrate the Halloween, I would like to share some thoughts about the thing we’re all destined to – death. The truth behind all the ugly truth is, we’re all going to die. And I want to die like this…
Before I share how I want my life to end on this planet earth, I want you to do something. This is one of the exercises I read on a book that open my eyes about life. Ok, ready?
Let’s say you died.
So you’re there lying in the coffin in your home or in the church.
Your family is there. Your wife, your daughter, your son or even your grand son and grand daughter.
Of course your relatives are there too. Your friends, office mates, and other acquaintances.
Imagine everyone of them will going to have their eulogy.
Imagine each of them will going to have a message about you in front of your family, relatives, friends, office mates and other acquaintances.
What do you want to hear?
What do you want them to say?
What do you want them to think?
Can you close your eyes for 5 minutes and think about that? Please…
Ok, done.
How do you feel?
How does it look to you?
Powerful right?
Imagination is one of the skills we have that separates us from the animal kingdom. We, as humans have the capacity to play a scene inside our mind and watch as it happening in real time.
This is one of the best mental exercise I learned. It’s called “beginning with the end in mind”.
That can be applied to any areas of life. Be it family, career and others.
And doing this kind of exercise always reminds me if what I’m doing right now will matter. Here’s what I mean.
How are you as a husband to your loving wife right now?
How are you as a father to your son right now?
A cousin to your relatives? A friend to your friends? To your office mates? Etc. etc.
When you’re dead, how these people will remember you in your past life?
Answering that kind of question will give you perspective to do your best today.
Yes today. While you live. While you’re here. And while you’re still with them. Remember the top 5 regrets of dying? Those are best reminders.
If you want to be remembered as a great and loving husband, be great and loving husband now.
If you want to be remembered as the best and loving father, be the best and loving father to your children now.
If you want to be remembered as a good relative, a good friend, a kind office mate and more. Do it now.
You get the point here?
Your life is going to end. And there is nothing you can do about it.
But, here’s the big BUT.
You still have time. You have NOW.
While you’re here, while you live, while you can, make the most out of it. Make the most out of life.
Be the best you can be. For yourself, for your family. For your relatives, friends and other people.
Always remember that everything will come to an end. Why not give your best shots right now?
To add an inspiration, let me share this Steve Jobs’ quote that catches my heart.
Right now, I’m doing my best right now to be the best and greatest husband to my loving wife and best and greatest father to our cute baby boy.
I’m doing my best to be kind and good to my family and relatives.
I’m doing my best to my friends, office mates and other people.
I want the best out of myself and live the most out of life.
So that when I’m gone, I’ll be remembered.
Not just an ordinary but THE BEST.
I hope I was able to spark some light in you. In your heart.
I am teary-eyed while writing this. I don’t know why.
Happy all saints and soul’s day. Cheers!
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