Christmas is around the corner. No matter how hard life is, people always want to give something to their love ones on Christmas day. Especially to Filipinos. It’s in our nature to show love and care during holiday seasons. But there’s nothing wrong in finding Christmas gift ideas that’s not hurting our budget.
“It’s not the money that counts – it’s the thought“, as what the quote says. Here are 8 valuable and practical Christmas gift ideas and activities that can help you save money this coming holiday and level up your relationship with your family and love ones.
8 Practical and valuable Christmas gift ideas
1. Your time
Time is the most precious gift you can give to your friends or love ones. Without spending any peso, you can have the best Christmas ever by spending quality time with your family.
Spending quality time watching movie or playing games in the house this coming holiday are one of the great Christmas gift ideas to save money this holiday. There’s a lot of activities available to spend quality time with your love ones. Make sure each moments are treasured and brings happiness to everyone.
2. Do it yourself
One of the best practical Christmas gift ideas out there is to do it yourself. Little things that are done manually with effort is sometimes more valuable than material things bought in the store.
There’s a lot of DIY christmas gift ideas in the internet that can help you save money. A good example is creating a DIY bracelets or necklaces out of raw and materials available around you or in the store. With your effort and creativity, you can come up with a very good Christmas gift.
3. Christmas cards
A Christmas card that expresses your love and care to your love ones is another great Christmas gift ideas that can help you save money this coming holiday. You’re not only saving money but showing your appreciation and love.
It can be appreciate more if you tell a message to your love ones that comes straight from your heart.
4. Cook for them
Another practical Christmas gift you can give to your family is food that you cooked. You can cook their favorite meals and invite them on lunch or dinner. This will only not save you money but will also create quality time bonding with your friends or family.
You may also cook or prepare desserts and delicacies and packed them with beautiful recycle wrapper.
5. Recycling
By using your creativity, you can come up with a best practical Christmas gift for your love ones. You might have some unused materials or things around your house that can turn into a nice Christmas gift.
A good example for this is recycled planner or scrap book. Unused notebooks can turn into customized planner or scrap book. Whatever comes to your mind, use your creativity to produce a valuable Christmas gift.
6. A video message
One of the “trends” right now are social media. Why not create a video message and inspire your love ones. Especially if they’re working abroad or in different place.
You can shoot a video using your mobile and send them thru Facebook or other social media sites of your love ones. I’m pretty sure this can really make them smile and appreciate your effort.
7. Dedicate a song
Another romantic and sweet but practical Christmas gift ideas you can do is to dedicate a song to your love one. Be it your father or mom abroad working hard to provide a better life to your family.
Singing their favorite song or your favorite song to them can really “move” and make them happy.
You can also record this on your mobile and send them thru internet to really save money. This way, you’re not only saving money but using practical way to show your love and care to them.
8. A photo with dedication
Sending your photo with your mom or dad or other love ones with dedication to them is one of the best Christmas gift ideas you can try this coming holiday.
It’s not only practical, it’s also unique in a way that you’re giving them inspiration and showing your appreciation to them. Having your photo print can only cost pesos and won’t hurt your budget.
Try it this Christmas and get a unique experience!
These are the 8 practical Christmas gift ideas I can share to you. I know there’s more. If you have something in mind, please share them in the comment section below to provide additional tips to other readers.
Christmas is a season of giving. And giving doesn’t necessarily means spending. By doing any of these practical Christmas gift ideas, you can give a “valuable” gift and experience to your love ones without spending too much.
Always remember that, it’s not the money that counts, it the thought. Advance Merry Christmas!
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