Budgeting is one of the building blocks of financial literacy. It is a must if you want to take charge of your financial life and want to be financially free someday.
In today’s world, there are a lot of ways and options for everyone to keep track of their expenses and work on their budget. Doing it manually is not applicable and not a good option for other people.
Many are utilizing the technology available today by using FREE budgeting apps they can download and install in their smartphones.
As I mentioned, there are a lot of options, if you do manual budgeting and tracking of your expenses and it works for you, that’s good to hear. One good example is budgeting through envelope system. That’s a pretty solid proven ways on how to budget effectively.
But if you’re looking for FREE budgeting apps to install on your smartphone, this article might help you. See the list below of FREE budgeting apps you can install on your smartphone.
FREE budgeting application for your smartphone
1. Mint
Mint is a great free budgeting apps you can install in your smartphone and can help you manage your finances on the go. It can help you track your budget and spending and can also help you generate reports about those categories.
It can also help you organize and manage your savings or checking accounts. It’s a good one, download and try to see it for yourself.
2. GoodBudget (formerly EEBA)
This is another good free budgeting apps you can install on your smartphone. This budgeting app can help you manage your manage based on your cashflow. It has “envelope system” that allocates money or funds to the categories you created.
It is something similar to the traditional envelope system separating budget and funds for each of the category in your budget. Avaialable free in iOS and android.
3. Wally+
This is another free budgeting apps that can really help you manage your finances on the go. Wally can help you manage your budget, track your expenses, save receipts of your transactions and even export data to Microsoft Excel.
Feedback and comments are good too on this free budgeting app. Try this!
4. Pocket Expense Personal Finance
Pocket Expense Personal Finance – Account Tracker, Budget Planner & Bills is another good option if you’re looking for a free budgeting apps to install on your smartphone.
This app can help you track your accounts, manage your budget and also track your bills. Very simple and easy to use.
5. BillGuard
This app not only help you automating your budget but also warns you if any unauthorized charge occurs in any of your credit cards or bank accounts.
As the name states, it guards your bill. It one of the best free budgeting apps for automating your budgeting system.
6. Moneywise
This simple budgeting app can help you manage your budget on the go. You can use graphs and filters to see your spending patterns so you can create action plans after.
It has also labeling feature where you can label you expense in any category you created helping you organize and create a neat reports on your budget.
7. Expense manager
This budgeting app helps you track your expenses by week, month or even yearly. It has an option too to save photos of your receipt. Plus you can save your data straight to your drop box account so can view them in other devices online.
8. Spending Tracker
This free budgeting apps can help you track your expenses using your smartphone. The face that you track your expenses is a good start to become aware of your spending and creating budget plan on your income and expenses.
This is a very simple app that can help you take note of every peso you spend without doing the
manual way. It’s a good start.
There you have it! Those 8 budgeting apps mentioned above are just few examples of FREE budgeting apps that you can download and install on your smartphone.
Check them and see what’s suit your needs. Manual way can sometimes be tedious and so installing these free budgeting apps can help you save time and effort. I hope this short article helped you. Til next time.
Awesome list, Billy! Thanks for sharing. This is very convenient for our smartphone generation
Welcome Argel and thanks for dropping by.
Makes me wonder why MINT is in your list. This is only available in the US App Store.
Thank you, I’ll add it up when I update this list. Cheers!
Hi Sir! What do you think is the best app for newly employed like me?
Mint is not available outside of US and Canada.