October is about to end and we know that Halloween is just around the corner. While many of the Filipino families are planning how they are going to spend this Halloween holiday, some are looking and planning to start a sideline business during Halloween. If you’re one of them, this short article might help you.
5 Sideline business during Halloween
1. Selling Candles
This would be one of the in-demand simple sideline business during Halloween here in the Philippines. If you have a sari-sari store, make sure you have stock of candles.
If you’re planning to put up a small store near the cemetery, this can be profitable too. Make sure your location has a lot of foot traffic going to cemetery and I’m sure you’ll earn a decent income.
You can make your own candles or you can try searching for a supplier now to get a lower rates. This can be a good source of extra income this coming Halloween.
2. Selling flowers
Another sideline business that will surely hit this coming Halloween. A simple flower arrangement could be profitable if spotted in a good location. For existing flower shops, it is good to setup a “portable stores” near cemetery or terminals going to cemetery.
If want to start selling flowers part time, time to do the research now to get suppliers and make good deals. This can bring good sideline income for you this coming Halloween.
3. Selling food and snacks
Selling food and snacks is another great sideline business during Halloween. People will surely buy “bottled water”, snacks and other “kakanin” along their way.
You can also setup a portable store near or around the cemetery and for sure you can earn a decent sideline income too.
Most of the in demand foods and drinks during Halloween are the following:
- bottled water
- burger
- softdrinks
- pizza
- crackers
4. Selling Halloween costumes
Selling Halloween costumes is another simple sideline business during Halloween. Halloween party for kids and employees are coming and for sure they will need some of the best costumes available. You can also look for suppliers and re-sell them for profit.
If you have existing fashion store, this might be a very good tip for you. Add Halloween costumes in your line-up and surely it will be in demand in the following days.
You can also setup a facebook store and start sharing and tagging your friends to attract customers. This can be another source of extra income.
5. Hosting Halloween party
If you have the skills and talents, this might be a good source of sideline income this coming Halloween. Organization and small business will surely celebrate Halloween parties and “host” or “emcee” would be another freelance job you can grab.
If you have the “guts” in hosting events, this might be another great occasion to earn money.
These are the 5 simple sideline business during Halloween you can easily start here in the Philippines. I know there’s allot, if you have something in mind, please share and add them in the comment section below for the benefit of other readers.
Advance happy Halloween, cheers!
Filipinos are very enterprising people. Life is hard and they will think of ways to earn on every occasion, be it halloween or christmas.
Sellers can easily make money during halloween via facebook. They just share those items that they want to sell on their timeline and people would buy.