Yesterday marked the 29th year of my existence here on earth. So many blessings and memories. There are up and downs too. As part of celebrating my 29th birthday, I’d like to share some inspiring life lessons and realizations I’ve had so far. I hope you find inspiration and lessons on this. Let’s go!
29 Inspiring life lessons and realizations
1. Trust God while taking action.
I grew up in faith. My family trust God and have faith that everything works in accordance with His plan. We go to church. My “lola” works in our church when she was strong enough that led me to became a “knight of the altar” in my elementary days. Looking back, those things and lessons molded what I am today. Trusting and having faith in God brings peace and real happiness.
Right now and until I die, I firmly believe that everything happens according to His plan. But of course, you have to take your part. You need to take action. I’ve been through many ups and downs in life and I never lose faith in God. In line with that, I took action! And taking action brought where I am today.
2. Family is number one. Period.
Family is the number one and will always be the one who will be at your back. When you doubt yourself and your plans or whatever happening in your life, you can always run with your family to get strength and inspiration. As what the sayings goes, “blood is always thicker than water“. Your friends may leave, but your family will not.
Additionally, when you start your own family, they’ll be your number one priority too. You’re willing to sacrifice everything for them. You always want to give the best for them. They’ll be your life.
As I started my own family too, I learned that time is the most precious gift I can give to my family. Quality time with my wife and our son. You can have the things in the world but you cannot bring back the time you’ve loss. Make sure you spent quality time with your family.
3. Life will turn around on the direction you chose
I realized that no matter what your life situation is, you can always turn it around. And the results will always depend on what direction you chose. So if you’re having your hard time right now, chose to fight and get up. Time will come everything will be ok.
On the other hand, if you chose to give up and let the situation brought you down, you’ll end up nowhere.
4. School didn’t taught us “real life experience“
School ate huge part of our lives. We study in almost 16 years of your life but those teachings are not enough. It didn’t give us enough real life experience to stand in times of adversity and trials. To properly handle finances, to become a good parent and many more.
Although it helped us become aware of the how to world works, it’s mostly focused on how to become employee. Get high grades, get a good course and apply for a high paying job. That’s what mostly happen, at least for what I can see.
5. Time is really gold.
As mentioned above, you can have all the things in the world but you can never have the time that gone. Time past is done. It will never get back. Make sure to use it as wise as you can.
6. Being a father is the best. Welcome to the parenthood!
Being a father is one of the best feelings in life. It is one of my great blessings. You’ll be more inspired and motivated to work hard and smart for your family. It’s true that one of the best accomplishments in life is to have your own family.
Having said that, I will make sure I spend quality time with my son and my wife and will do everything I can to provide brighter future for them. Husband-father challenge accepted!
This also made me realize and appreciate more the hardships and sacrifices of my parents when I was a child. Becoming a parent will definitely prove your parent’s unconditional love to you and your siblings when you were a child.
7. Spend quality time with your family
I always want to stress this, spend quality time with your family. As mentioned, family is number one. Period. Make sure you cherish every hours you spent with them ‘coz those time will never get back. Additionally, that can help molding your child’s personality while he/she growing up.
Treasure every moment. A moment gone is a moment gone.
8. Health is wealth.
I learned that you need to protect your health as much as you can. Your health is your wealth. Once your health is compromised, it can create a “domino effect” with the other things in your life. It can affect your budget, your time and your performance. Make sure you take care of your health.
Personal Growth
9. Read and grow rich
Read as much as you can. You can learn a lot from reading. Additionally, it can help you become a better person. As I’ve previously shared on this blog, I’d like to read personal development books and Filipino personal finance related books. You should do that too.
Reading can also widen your perspective about life and people. You understand things beyond words and you’ll see that there are more exciting and wonderful things in life. Read read read!
10. Try new other things
Life is boring if you didn’t try new things. Experiment and experience life at its best. Conquer your fear by doing things you’re afraid of. Sky diving, mountain climbing, swimming etc.
Change career if needed. Go where you think you’ll grow and become happy. Be awesome and try new things now!
11. Don’t stop learning
You grow when you learn. So don’t stop learning. Invest in knowledge and in yourself. Always remember that investing in ourself is the best investment of all time.
12. Set smart goals.
Write your goals and set date on them. I’m a fan of this “life hack” and I always make sure I know my target.
You write down all your goals on paper and put them on a place you always see. This will help your brain find ways to achieve them. I did and I’m telling it’s true. Set goals and be smart.
13. Time will come you’ll choose your own path
High School and college are one of the best “friendship” days in life. Once you grow, time will come you have to choose your own path. Not to unfriend with them but to do the things you want in your life. To follow your passion and to reach your goals.
Don’t let other people dictate what you want. Follow your heart and follow what makes you happy.
14. No matter how slow, you have to keep moving
As long you’re moving you’ll get there. No mater what your goals are, keep moving!
15. Work smart not hard.
Working smart has a huge different from working hard. Make sure you see the “best ways” to accomplish things with win-win situation. Work smart without hurting or affecting anyone’s life.
Utilize all the available tools today to get your work done easily. Leverage to other people and many more. Work smart!
16. Don’t stay on your comfort zone
As shared above, you’ll only grow when you learn. When you’re doing things over and over again you’ll get stucked. Staying in your comfort zone is a trap.
Make sure you bring out the best in you and in others. Try new things and don’t stop learning as mentioned above.
17. Friends come and go, real one stays
Once you grow and choose your own path, you’ll meet new friends and people. This is in every chapter and different phases in your life. I learned that friends come and go but those real one stays. Stays mean they always get in touch no matter what. Those are your best friends.
18. Love with all your heart.
Love with all your heart. Follow what your heart says. Don’t be afraid to get hurt. You’ll find the “right one” in the end. 🙂
19. Don’t be afraid of marriage.
When you’re single, you’re perception about marriage maybe different. It’s hard, a lot of things to do, commitment, lot of responsibility etc etc.
But hey, I realized they are all depend on you. Marry the one you love and don’t afraid of what’s gonna happen. For as long as you stay strong together, you’ll pass everything you’ll encounter in life. Being married is awesome!
20. Happiness comes from within.
You define your own source of happiness. Make sure it came from your own disposition and not from other people.
There are other things in life you cannot control, but you control your own feelings and your own emotion. You control your judgement and your decisions. There is always a blessing in every situation. Always choose to be happy and thankful no matter what.
21. Admit your mistake, learn and then move on
Once in a while, you’ll have mistakes. You’ll do wrong things. Don’t afraid to admit them and then move on.
Of course, make sure all lessons were learned.
22. Just be yourself
No matter how hard you try to copy and impersonate others(in terms of personality and happiness), time will come you’ll be you. So why not bother what other people will say? Just be yourself and be proud. Show the world that you’re awesome!
Personal Finance
23. Save money for emergency.
I learned this after discovering my passion in personal finance. Make sure you have something for “rainy days“. You can learn the ABC of building emergency here.
24. Create financial goals.
Again, knowing your target and destination makes it easy to achieve. List your financial goals and layout a plan how to get them. See how to set smart financial goals on this article.
25. Money = value.
In making money, I learned that more value = more money.
You have to provide value to other people, in return money will come to you in two folds.
You have to make yourself valuable to make more money. Provide valuable service, product and support to other people to have more money. Remember that money = value!
26. It’s not how much you make, but how much you save.
No matter how high your salary and income is, if you’re not wise in handling and managing them you will always be poor. Make sure you know how to budget, you know how to save and you know how to grow or invest your money. This way, you’ll grow and become rich.
There are many Filipino who are became rich but suddenly back to poverty because of lack in financial knowledge. See those lotto winners who became bankrupt after couple of years.
Being financially literate is the key!
27. Learn how to handle finances while young
Learning proper personal finance at a young age is an advantage. You’ll have more time to save and more time grow your money. Not only that, you’ll have your FREEDOM very soon.
Teach your kids proper handling of finances while they’re young. Soon enough you’ll be as a bird too. You know what I mean. 🙂
28. Learn how to sell
I learned that if you want to become an entrepreneur, you need to learn how to sell. No matter how small or type of product or service you have, learning how to sell will definitely give you lessons about entrepreneurship.
I’m an aspiring future entrepreneur and I’m on my way building my businesses. I tried selling home-made sandwich in the office before and will try other venture moving forward.
29. Investing in knowledge pays the best interest
Again, investing in yourself is the best investment of all time. Make sure that every year added to your age, you’re also adding value and quality to your life.
These are the 29 inspiring life lessons I can share for now. You might already heard them but hopefully there are other things on the list that you can apply in your life too.
Wait! There’s more! Aside from what I shared above, here are other things I learned.
- Baby socks are called booties
- Baby gloves are called mittens
- Baby cries when they are hungry, not feeling well and asking for diaper change. Daddy please!
- Breast milk is best for babies and even formula milk manufacturer recommends it
- Baby laugh and smile on their own
- You’ll have sleepless nights on the first month or so when you have newborn
- A mother really sacrifice a lot for newborn. Hats off to my wife and my mom and all moms out there!
- You’ll be more inspired and motivated when you have a baby
- You’ll feel a little bit old when you got a baby. Haha.
- More to come…
Life is a journey. A long journey. Make sure in every bit of a second, we strive to be the best. Best for ourselves, our family and best for others.
Age is just a number. What important is the value and quality you have behind those numbers. Gotcha?
Happy birthday to me. Cheers!
Very inspiring post! I just turned 31 today. I had a good time reading this post. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Very inspiring. Keep inspiring people through your blog. Btw, I love reading yours.